There is a wood stove fan a simple yet efficient way to have a little bit more warmth from your current wood stove. Modern stoves are designed to burn wood efficiently, yet they could only transfer heat to the space through radiation and convection right to the atmosphere surrounding the stove. A wood stove fan improves air flow around the stove and aids project warm air farther into your living area. In short more of this heat reaches the space and goes up the chimney, resulting in a more comfortable temperature in your living room and having to burn fewer logs. The excellent win win situation. Stove fans fall into two major types, the ones that are powered by the warmth of the stove and the ones that need an external power supply. They could both be effective and each has their advantages and disadvantages. In this report we will explore the most commonly seen versions, in addition to an effective version that can be made at home from typical household junk.
The ecophene hit the scene a few years ago and has proved tremendously popular. check the best it is an electric motor but powered by the warmth of the stove itself via the see beck effect basically a clever sandwich of electric semiconductors that produces electricity when there is a temperature difference. You could think of it as a solar cell, but for warmth. There are a few various models and they are usually robustly built and move significant quantities of air so may be more powerful than other comparable stove top layouts. As they create their own power they do not require any external power source and installation is as straightforward as resting it on top of the cooker. Oh, and they seem very cool too, with swept back cooling fins and dark metallic sheen.
There are a few versions of cooker top fan that use sterling engine technologies the principals were exercised back when steam was first in vogue but was successfully shrunk down to stove top size. In a nutshell they are an external combustion engine a piston but with the heat source outside. These are a bit more temperamental than the coffins, requiring just a little tap to set the blades sometimes needing a lubrication to keep everything moving. Additionally it is possible to harm them by overheating and distorting the internal parts. Ours seems to begin working again once everything cools down but the layout seems less powerful you might hope for.